Nicki was amazing at asking me very thoughtful and powerful reflective questions. she also took me to a place where i could start to truly beleive my true possibilities and power to change my situation and control over my emotions. she helped me have some really big realisations which i will now reflect on to move forwards. she was kind and supportive and very realistic wwhilst being encouraging at the same time. nicki was just fantastic at taking me through a journey of peeling back the layers from different angles which all lead to breakthrough points taht i feel will keep me moving forwards. honestly, After having experienced many types of therapists over the last 6 years, i think its the best session ive ever had and i considerer myself quite challenging!

Manjit C

"completely changed not only my perspective, but my emotional state of mind. omg, that in 2 hours, scary, thrilling!"

Nathan L

Thank you Nicki my coaching session was amazing and very engaging, you helped open me up so I could really look at what it is I have to offer in being of service to others. I thank you for being so friendly and supportive during my coaching session. You helped me get clearer and more focused on what I would like to achieve next year. I appreciate you being so flexible and being such a great listener, I felt so relaxed as you knew exactly what questions to ask me. I loved the beautiful guided visualisation exercise you did with me, it helped me get further clarity on what is a priority for me and what action I need to take moving forward. I came away from this coaching session feeling very optimistic and even loved how you recognised that I may need an accountability coaching session to follow up this one, I was relieved. such a great coaching session, I look forward to my next accountability session with you.

Beverley D

Really appreciated her patience with me as I had already been running late and had to cut the session short also. Despite this she made good use of the time we had to give a very good coaching session. I also felt she kept the conversation going very well and the exercise we did to visualise myself in the future, I found really helpful.

Gayle T

 came to my coaching session with nicola with a head full of stuff, Nicola helped me really quickly to identify the one thing that was having a knock on effect with everything else. I have now got a plan of what to do and am now looking forward to the future.

Karen J

I really enjoyed the session where I could experience different versions of me acting and responding in different ways. The pace of the session was also good because I had the time to think and also share my feelings and thoughts freely. Thank you very much for holding the space for me.

Tugce C